Wise Life Counsel Inc. | Interlachen Village Plaza | 5458 Lake Howell Rd | Winter Park FL 32792


Appointment Request

Time For A New Start!
Mary Beth schedules appointments Monday thru Friday with evening times available. Please call or email. Mary Beth will contact you within one business day to schedule an appointment.

If you’re a new client, please complete the following forms and bring them to your first therapy session.

Intake Paperwork [Click Here]

If you would like Mary Beth to coordinate care with another provider (for example, your psychiatrist, primary care physician, etc.), complete this form to authorize release of psychotherapy information.

Consent for Release of Confidential Info

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Prior to your first appointment:

Please download and complete the forms available on the website. The information you provide will allow Mary Beth to assist you as efficiently as possible. They contain valuable information about the office and policies. Filling the paperwork out ahead of time will give you an opportunity to take your time. If you have any questions you can address them at your first appointment.

On your appointment day:

Please bring the printed and signed forms with you. Mary Beth will be looking forward to meeting you.

When you Arrive:

As you come into Interlachen Village Plaza, make a right and proceed to the side of the building that has a row of trees. Park under the shade of the trees and look for our sign: Counseling, Testing, and Tutoring. Mary Beth’s name and phone number are by the door.

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