Wise LIfe Counsel Inc. | Magnolia Yoga and Wellness Center | 111 West Magnolia, # 2004 | Longwood, FL 32750


What is your “end game” in life? For many people it is simply to love and be loved in safe, significant relationships. Others want to accomplish their dreams, travel, or create. This powerful poem will help you to find the key you need to access what you most desire in your life.


 What the Decades Taught

If I want to find some deep sense of worth…
To feel fully alive, gladly human, 
To connect at a heartfelt level, perhaps, 
With the Unitive Force,

It will not be enough to work hard,
Even to sweaty exhaustion.
It won’t suffice to love others,
Even those determined to harm me.

The neatest little house on the block,
The best kept flower gardens,
Organic salads every day,
Well-mannered pets…too little.

Sacrifice won’t do.
Not even years of self-deprivation,
Not being nice to everyone, all the time.
Giving will leave me feeling empty still.

Movies and books by the hundreds,
 Even somber scholarship,
Won’t fill the void—
The pain-flooded well of longing.

No princes charming could be enough.
Not children or a dozen sweet grandchildren.
Not lifelong friends.  
No one can do it for me!

Along the winding, rutted road,
The best of guides can only point the way;
For some baffling spiritual reason…
…I must begin, at last, to love myself.

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